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Keep Effing Moving!
Keep Effing Moving!
Keep Effing Moving!
Keep Effing Moving!
Keep Effing Moving!
Keep Effing Moving!
Keep Effing Moving!

Keep Effing Moving!



Supports healthy hip and joint health

Eases joint stiffness due to normal daily exercise and activity

Promotes cartilage development

Made in the U.S.A

Clean Ingredients

Made with natural ingredients

Active ingredients: UC-II® Collagen, Boswellia Extract, Eggshell Membrane, Turmeric 

Inactive ingredients: Citric Acid, Coconut Glycerin, Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) Oil, Potassium Sorbate, Purified Water, Rosemary Oil Extract

Formulated and reviewed by Board Certified Veterinary Specialists

Product Details

The Earlier the Better. Just like vitamins and supplements for humans, starting a dog on a supplement early is a great way to prevent issues down the road.

Consistency is key. You can expect to see results in 6-10 weeks with continuous, regular use. If your dog is already experiencing joint pain or mobility issues you may need up to 4 months before seeing results.

Dosage: We offer this recommended starting dosage by weight, to be taken twice daily. Other factors like age, constitution and activity level can affect how your dog metabolizes a supplement, so we encourage you to tweak the frequency or dosage until you find the sweet spot for your pup. Please contact your Veterinarian with any concerns.

Dog Weight Dose Amount (twice daily)

Up to 15 lbs : .25 dropper

16-35 lbs: .25 - .5 dropper

36-50 lbs: .5 - .75 dropper

51-75 lbs: .75 - 1 dropper

75+ lbs: 1 dropper

1 dropper is equal to 1 mL of oil, the top measuring line on the dropper stem

Shake well before use: It is totally normal to see natural sediment build up, especially in the bottom of the tincture and in the dropper tip. Just give it a good shake!

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